torsdag, april 12, 2007


Tuesday they started on the dininghall....and this time I think we have the right guis for this job.

I was out there with Signe and the grup from Norway today. The children went crazy wen they sa Signe again.

Last time we was there we give them 50 $ to buy medesin (they dident have any left). So now they can start trit the chids..........smal smal as Mother Young sad. They need more medesin and vitamins.

We also bought them a beg of rise..... they dont have to much food out there. The good thing is that they hav started to grow things like casava,pepper, bananas.....and more. They have a big fild for agriculture.


Blogger Russell Jenkins said...

Great work.
I really like that they are growing their food.

Well done Bowie


5:44 p.m.  
Blogger anette said...

Veldig gøy å stikke innom bloggen din Bowie! - og kjenne på at jeg savner afrika.. og mercy ships.. Skal innrømme at det frister VELDIG med en tur ut igjen.. Er anastasis bytta ut nå? Gud velsigne deg, Broder!!:)

9:44 a.m.  
Blogger Bowie said...

Africa Mercy kommer hit den 21 mai .Vi seiler Anastasis den 23 juli til India og opphugging.

3:04 p.m.  
Blogger Sienna said...

post pictures of signe!!

9:36 p.m.  
Blogger todd and anna said...

Hey hey,

Yes please if you have time post some pictures from signe and the kids. And you.....ha ha ha


12:54 a.m.  

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